Cloudbreaker Alliance Change Log
Last Update: 13-Jan-2025
Cloudbreaker Alliance Change Log
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Change Log VA.03 (13-Jan-2025 Latest)
Hexcrawl Rule added
2 Rough Maps added
Calendar Sheet added
Change Log VA.052
Wasteland Wrestler Class (Brute Discipline) added
Spellscribe Class (Thaumaturgist Discipline) added
Change Log VA.051 (18-Nov-2024)
Mystic Discipline added (Diamond Monk & Martial Adeptus classes)
Change Log VA.04 (9-Aug-2024)
Spiritcafter Class (Channeler) added.
Change Log VA.03 (29-Jul-2024)
Joint Spellcasting - Crest Summon.
Change Log VA.02 (24-May-2024)
Cavalry Class
- Skirmish only works with weapons you can wield with 1 hand & the bonus is changed to +1 Combat Roll bonus.
Acrobat Class
- Spell Sweep’s increased movement is directed towards the same direction if the spell already has move component.
- Sweeping Vault + corrected to be a rank 5 feature.
Cover Mage Class
- Added.
Change Log V1.04 (30-April-2024)
- Side tab moved closer into the main page.
- Various typos & textual errors.
CH 7
- Channeler discipline feature rank order fixed.
Change Log V1.03 (15-April-2024 Latest)
CH 2
- Minor text correction for Edge & Setback example.
CH 4
- Minor text fixup
CH 7
- Repetitive text in Channeler discipline deleted & other text fixup.
CH 8
- Minor Toolkit Text fixup
CH 10
- Transmute spell Magic Item fixed to Special Items.
CH 12
- Monster Codex Recommended Toolkits list fixed.
CH 14
- Combine turns optional rule reduced to 1 spirit token.
Change Log V1.01 (28-March-2024 Latest)
CH 2
- You now need only 1 point in the relevant toolkit to make the toolkit roll.
CH 8
- Rations in Camping Gear changed to 2.
- You now need only 1 point in the relevant toolkit to make the toolkit roll.
Change Log V1.0 (25-March-2024)
CH 3
- Downgrade chart now includes starting Spirit Tokens.
CH 5
- The Armgeist Living Weapon minor trait now lets you use a minor action to instantly transform into any weapon in your inventory.
- Korpocles now uses minor action to reform “Kor”. Splitting “pocle” still requires Major Action.
CH 6
- Adventurous Character Quirk 2 - Adrenaline, has been changed because it clashes with the Spartan’s Adrenaline Rush. The Subquirk is now called Peak Performance.
CH 7
- Added text to clarify that eidolons can be teleported anywhere within its summoning range.
CH 8
- You gain an additional ration for every 4 points rolled above the Harsh Terrain’s forage TD.
CH 9
- Pegasus rampage manual now lets you spend 10 Spirit Tokens to make 10 follow up attacks.
- All “medium ranged” have been corrected to middle ranged.
- Guild Investigation reformated.
CH 10
- Spell costs and names fixed.
- Transmute changed to touch spells and sight & touch spells have been correctly labeled.
- Elemental attunement slots are attunement slots.
- Vegetation Rank 0 spell changed to assist foraging.
- Portal Rank 3 spell fixed.
- Scan works underground and no longer limited to living creatures.
CH 11
- Assist is now called Assist Roll. It can only be used to assist allies in the same zone now, but it can be used to neturalize monsters & hazards.
- The “Fear” condition becomes “Frightened”
- Added reminder that when your character is downed, you can still delay your turn, so that you can take your turn immediately once you are healed by a party member.
Pregen Character sheets
- Characters quirks are fixed to reflect the characters quirks of iconic characters from Chapter 6.
Change Log V0.88 (13-December-2023)
CH 5
- Pocle receiving double damage changed to all attacks hitting them becoming critical hits.
CH 11
- Spell descriptions reformatted for clarity
- Vacuum simplified to damage for any movement.
- Belfry Flamethrower
CH 12
- Various monster errors fixed.
- Belfry Flamethrower
- Prideful Rakshasa
- Kingslain - Special explained more
- Rework NPC Neutralisations to be limited to social skills.
- Full 120 monsters list available for playtest.
Change Log V0.87
CH 11
- Latch Manuever now allows you to move between targets on the same unit you’re latching onto with minor action if it’s within your movement range. One minor action to move between targets in the same zone or to a target 1 zone way. You can move and latch onto another target on the same unit without needing to roll if it’s within your movement range.
CH 12
- Thirty new monsters added, and there are 60 playtestable monsters now. Most new additions are Fiends and Undeads with animal stat blocks for reference. Arcanoid and Cinderblighted monsters are coming in future updates.
- Monster Roles added to stats block.
CH 14
- Monster upgrade conversion rules added.
- Horde Creation Rules added.
Change Log V0.86b
CH 7
- Assassin - Assassinate can use any attacks, including ranged & spells, but teleported into the same zone as target.
- Brute - Interposes no longer provoke opportunity strikes & count towards max movement range.
- Commander - Can allow enemies to target vehicle
- Champion - Clarified that Relentless Challenger work for any target.
- Martial Artist (Tangling Rose) - Tangling hands can latch onto enemies too.
CH 11
- Latch Cheap Shot Manuever added. Latch lets you be moved along with a larger creature.
Change Log V0.86 (15-October-2023 Latest)
CH 2
- Clarify Opportunity Attack can’t be followed up.
- Clarify Effect rolls can’t Crit or Fumble.
CH 3
- Fond Memories (30) can be used for Item Flashback feature. Allows you to retroactively purchase and bring an item.
CH 5
- Minor rewrites of all Lifeform traits.
CH 6
- Minor rewrites of all quirks traits.
CH 7
- ALL SPELLCASTERS - enter combat & other critical situations with 3 spelllglyphs.
- Soldier - Machinarm expert deleted & rolled into Weapon Drill feature
- Soldier - Ranger class’s Adaptable Shot + allows for Run & Gun Feature
- Champion - Samurai adventuring abilities changed to Graceful Envoy.
- Champion - Templar adventuring abilities changed to Classical Education.
- Arcanist - Arcane Reflow slightly reworded, now prevent all damage & effect.
- Arcanist - Glamour Gear reworded & you can enter combat wearing it.
- Arcanist - Glamour Gear + allows instant change of spellgarb & attire (minor action).
- Trickster - Rogue Thief’s Instinct + changed from edge to +2.
- Channeler & other eidolon users - Eidolons can now be summoned & attack with major action.
- Channeler - Phantasms can also move whenever the channeler moves physically.
- Weapon Master - Deadshot can only mark targets once per turn, just like duelist.
- Martial Arcanist - Turn speed increased to 7
- Martial Arcanist - Glyph hand’s Combat Glyph + no longer requires minor action
- Dominion - Liveblade can only infuse mastered weapons. (clarification)
CH 9
- Ciderblast damage has been converted to Weapon Damage
- Added Yoroi type heavy armor
- Added more Spell Garbs
- Ride rules for animals and PCs added
- Defensive Weapon tag renamed to Defensive armament
- Various corrections
CH 10
- Added new High Spells: Redwood Uppercut, Unstoppable Arm, Immovable Armor
CH 11
- Charge Major Action removed
CH 12
- Monster Size corrected
CH 14
- HP Multiplier Table corrected
Change Log V0.85c (12-September-2023)
CH 3
- Maximum HP clarification
CH 7
- Sage - Necromancer undead unit clarified
- Mirage - Puppeteer unit clarified
- Weapon Master - Duelist’s feature works with all melee attacks
- Dominion - Live Blade rewording
CH 10
- Summon - unused text corrected, barrier removed & made cheaper.
- Banish - can only be directed at other targets before the starter.
- Form Ice - Ice Igloo lasts 12 hours.
CH 12
- PC party combat rating text corrected
Change Log V0.85b (16-July-2023 Latest)
CH 7
- Brute Turn Speed is corrected to 5. Had been previously been mistakenly set to 7.
- Added additional text to necromancer class, minor action required to move undead.
CH 9
- Rapier’s dual wield tag is misplaced. It’s supposed to be for short swords. Combat cane is also a dual wield weapon now.
CH 12
- Some monster stats fixup.
Change Log V0.85
CH 2
- Expected task difficulty by Grade reworded.
CH 7
- Feature names standardized to pluses for improvements (+, ++ and +++)
- Shield no longer its own mastery category, it’s not part of Medium or Heavy .etc weaponry.
- Champion - Class Protections and Aegis Shroud Spirit Burst received major overhauls. Mark of Challenge name changed to becomes Relentless Challenger
- Martial Artist - Tangling hands minor wording change & winding ways limited to 2 uses.
- Martial Arcanist - elemental form now lets you imbue damage & resistance separately.
- Thaumaturgist - Cosmic shift reworded, healer can use an item to heal already medicated target once a full rest.
- Arcanist - Arcane shift reworded
CH 9
- Shield is rolled into Medium weapons
- Rapier is now a medium weapon
- Creating Double/Triple spellglyphs using spell catalyst requires mastery in spell catalyst
- Tiger Dance manual’s name changed to Pegasus Rampage
- More Limited Edition Machinarms added
CH 10
- Spells no longer require to be cast by spell catalyst. Just needs a mastered weapon.
- The effects of the same spell cannot be stacked on the same target, only highest rank version takes effect.
- Spell Dampener changed to Effect Dampener
- Lightning Changed to 1 major attack and additional follow-up attacks.
CH 11
- Retry changed to ignore previous roll & use new one, so that it can be used in succession.
- Charge Major Action added, to move & attack with melee weapon or make unarmed Combat attack.
CH 12
- Monsters Attack Edge morale boost becomes Retry
- PC Combat Rating vs Danger Rating massively boosted.
CH 14
- Monster creation rule added.
Change Log V0.84
- Bond Rank removed. Bond only use points now
CH 3
- Bond rules changed. Bond only use points now
CH 5
- Floralian’s Taste Test is changes to Sample Test, to allow testing on traps and other effects.
CH 6
- Imaginary Friend Quirk changed
- Greedy Rank 1 Subquirk is updated, all party members gain 10% now.
CH 7
- Brute - Defensive interpose reworded.
CH 9
- Standard Items & Equipments can be sold back at half price.
CH 10
- Summon & Banish spells fixed.
CH 11
- Blind, maneuvers now last until the end of the next round.
- Rules on Max HP or MP change during rest clarified.
- Finale Rush (Optional Rule) added.
CH 12
- Monsters can prevent afflictions from being applied using morale token.
CH 13
- HAZARDS chapter added.
Change Log V0.83
CH 5
- Troll - Static Sense trait is updated with some limitations
CH 6
- Klutz Rank 1 Subquirk - is updated, preventing damage reduction
CH 7
- Advanced Disciplines added
- Champion - Mark of Challenge + changed to Relentless Challenger
- Martial Artist - Changed Winding Ways to also provide edge on zone hazards
- Trickster - Rogue’s Master Thievery is Change to Thief’s Instinct
- Brute - Violent and Defensive interpose revamped.
CH 9
- Rides added
- Rare Special Items added
- Combat Shield added to the shield list
- Crossbow’s name is change to ballista
- Shotgun is a Two-handed weapon & Pump action is reworded
CH 11
- You can gain spirit token using your Major Action
CH 12
- Apparition & Ruinarm monsters added
- Horde monster reworded
Change Log V0.82 (26-April-2023)
Download the Cloudbreaker Alliance playtest
CH 7
- Thaumaturgist - Cosmic Profiling’s effect has been changed
- Arcanist - Arcane Profiling effect has been changed
CH 8
- Analysis information has been added to skills and toolkits.
- Navigation Kit can be used to forage in Harsh Terrains.
CH 11
- Added.
CH 12
- Added.
CH 12B Playtest Monster Course Added
- Added.