CBA Organised Play Playtest Rules
Last Update: 16-July-2023
Cloudbreaker Alliance Organised Play Playtest Rules
Return to Playtest Materials page here.
Expected Rewards (16-July-2023 Latest)
- In medium (or higher) difficulty missions with 2 situations: 100 EXP.
- In easier small missions with only 1 situation: 50 EXP.
- If you downgraded to a lower grade to play, reduce EXP gain by 50%.
- Cred is earned according to mission difficulty adjusted to average character levels:
- Lvl 1 - 2: 100 Cred
- Lvl 3 - 4: 200 Cred
- Lvl 5 - 8: 400 Cred
- Lvl 9 +: 600 Cred
- Completing side missions: additional 50% reward.
- For easy small missions, reduce all earnings by 50%.
- 1 for each PC & important NPC involved in the mission.
- You also gain 1 bond with the region you work in (Illum, Ulruk, etc.).
- For each bond point you gain, you also get 1 Fond Memory point.
- Can be gained by Forming Bond: 1 for each point.
- Participating in local attractions: 5 - 10.
- Completing side missions: 10.