CBA Community Alternate Rules

General Alternate Rules

These are optional CBA rules suggested by the CBA community.

3 dice Edge or Setback

Instead of rolling 2d6 twice for Edge or Setback, the player rolls 3d6 and choose the highest 2 for Edge and the lowest 2 for Setback. 
Dice roll functions for Roll20:
  • /roll 3d6kh2 +2 (Edge with +2 bonus)
  • /roll 3d6kl2 +3 (Setback with +3 bonus)
(Just change the bonus with your character’s relevant bonus)
Different virtual tabletops have different rules for their dice functions, so please refer to their function sheet.
This rule does not change the rolled result by much: 
  • Edge: Average result is increased from 8:37 (official rule) to 8.46  (alternate rule) and the deviation is increased from 1:99 (official rule) to 2.21 (alternate rule).
  • Setback: Average result is reduced from 5:63 (official rule) to 5.54 (alternate rule) and the deviation is increased from 1:99 (official rule) to 2.21 (alternate rule).
(Keep in mind that this optional rule may cause confusion with the Weapon Master discipline’s Eagle Eyes feature. In this case, resolve the Edge or Setback first before applying the feature.)

Alternate Neutralization Effect: Double Damage

Groups that prefer to crush their enemies in combat, instead of resolving them non-violently, can use the following alternate rule:
  • Neutralized enemies do not leave the field and the enemy group don't lose Morale Tokens.
  • While they’re neutralized all damage dealt to them are doubled.